Sermon Notes, April 17, 2016
Rev. Garry McGlinchy
Pastor Garry’s sermon this week was titled “From Persecutor to Persecuted.” His scripture reference was Acts 9:1-19, the story of Jesus’ appearance to Saul on the road to Damascus.  There are two things we can get from this passage: Conversion looks different for everyone; and Conversion requires healing.
Conversion looks different for everyone.  Paul was passionate about his Jewish beliefs.  He went to great lengths to protect his faith.  He began a campaign to find and persecute anyone claiming to be a follower of Jesus, to seize the Christians that fled after the death of Stephen, to stop the spread of Christianity, to prevent the Christians from causing trouble with Rome, to promote his own career, and to bring unity with the factions of Judaism through a common enemy.  So Saul got the approval to go to Damascus to find and persecute the followers of the way.
While Saul and his men were traveling to Damascus, Saul is confronted by the risen Christ.  Saul is now faced with the very person he is persecuting.  He is face to face with Jesus, who confronts Saul with the truth of the Good News!  God often times shows up in people’s lives in different ways.  Sometimes it’s a spectacular event, like Saul’s.  Sometimes it’s not as dramatic, but subtle.  Not everybody’s conversion story looks the same as our own; there is no formula.  The truth is that we come to faith in Christ the way that God wants us to.  He is the one who knows what is best for our lives.  He knows what will bring us out of darkness and into His Holy Light.  For Paul, it is this experience on the road to Damascus that marks the beginning of his new life in Christ.
Conversion requires healing.  After Saul sees Jesus, he acknowledged Him as the Messiah.  He confessed his sins, surrendered his life, and committed to obey God’s commands.  True conversion begins with a personal encounter with Jesus and leads to A NEW LIFE in Him, and a deep concrete relationship with Him!  True—you can’t be truly converted and live the same life the way you always have, as if nothing had changed.  This can take some time for some people, but the important thing is that you are moving toward being more like Him every day.  Healing has to happen for us to grow in Him.
Speaking of healing and a change of life, let’s take a look at Ananias.  You can imagine Ananias’s initial response to what Jesus tells him about Saul: “Who?  Saul?  Really?  Lord, have you been reading the funny papers again?  Read the front page!  The word is that Saul is looking to find anyone associated with You and persecute them!”  Despite his feelings about Saul, as valid as they were, Ananias was first and foremost obedient to Christ’s call for him to minister to Saul.  Some healing had to happen in Ananias as well as in Saul.
Do we limit God by not doing what He asks us to do?  Remember, He can do anything!  When we follow God’s lead and obey His direction every step of the way, we will see some incredible things happen!  Sometimes God will lead us to some difficult people and plans.  Trust that He has everything under control and that you are the right person for the job!

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