About Us

Hope Community celebrates the comfort that people have to investigate Christ at their own pace. Our church creates an atmosphere that is inviting to those who are not attending church and those who carry "baggage" from past church experiences.

The creation of an identity is first and foremost among the “what” we do toward creating a community. So many of our new members and those regularly attending comment; that they feel comfortable, welcome and identify with what is happening here at Hope Community. This means that we are reaching over the boundary of our comfort zone and meeting people where they are. It is this reaching that starts us on the journey of developing a relationship. It gets people out of the alienation stage. We all want our lives to have significance and we have a Home for you.

Once people see that we are, in fact, authentic, they start to ask questions. We use large group (men’s & women’s ministry) activities as places that regular attendees can quietly probe the outer limits of our doctrine. What is it that makes a Nazarene tick and other pertinent questions? These groups are essential in our development of attendees into members.

Having a good Heart brings about a change in spiritual Health. It is through small groups and Sunday school that we are able to assimilate the attitudes and actions necessary to help us strengthen our Hearts. Small groups help us be accountable and provide opportunities for feedback and support. Our Sunday school program delves into the Word and provides time for relationship building. A vibrant Home, creates a strong Heart that develops spiritually Healthy relationships that enable us to share the Hope that we have in Jesus Christ. Our journey starts by inviting you to share your Home. Allow us to care for you in our loving Home of Christ-like believers. Your spiritual Health will improve and soon you to will be caring for others.

Hope's vision is to win people to Jesus Christ, disciple believers in their faith and then equip them to serve God with the gifts and talents He provides.