Sermon Notes, July 28, 2019
Rev. Garry McGlinchy
Pastor Garry’s sermon was titled “Shameless Audacity,” and was based on Luke 11:1-13, Jesus’ teaching on prayer.  Notice the order of the prayer: first, praise for God; second make your request.  When we praise Him first it gets us in the right frame of mind to present our request.  We must approach Him with humble hearts…otherwise our prayer may sound more like a child’s Christmas letter to Santa rather than an open conversation with the creator.  This passage focuses on three aspects of prayer. 1. The content of prayer.  2. Our persistence (boldness, shameless audacity).   3. God’s faithfulness!
Verse 3 God’s provisions for His children are daily.  We can’t store them up and then cut Him out of our lives.  Pastor told a story about a truck he had with two gas tanks.  He’d fill both tanks, and when one ran empty, he’d flip that switch for the reserve tank and keep going.  But guess what?  Sooner or later that reserve tank would run out!
If you feel like you can’t go on anymore, like your “low fuel” light is on…like you’re out of strength, out of momentum, out of ideas on how to solve the problems of your life, then you need to fill up, move closer to the Power source, consult the most creative problem solver of all time…before you wind up stuck on the side of the road of life.
When we are spiritually running on empty, we need to plug back into God.  Know this to be true:  Know this to be true   self-satisfaction will only get you so far.  I was able to push that old truck on my own for a little bit, but it was exhausting, and when I hit a slight grade I was done…It almost rolled back over me!
Verse 4 In this lesson on prayer, Luke highlights the aspect of forgiveness.  Forgiveness is the very cornerstone on which our relationship with God is built.  The point that Luke highlights is that we who have been forgiven must also forgive.  If we fail to take on the role of the forgiver, then we continue to misunderstand our desperate need for forgiveness.  Think about it…what if God treated you the same way you treat others?
Verse 8 Persistence – Boldness – Audacity in prayer overcomes OUR sensitivity, not God’s.  It does more to change our hearts and minds than God’s.  It also helps us to fully grasp and express the intensity of our needs.  That said, it also helps to highlight God’s work in answering our prayers!  Shameless audacity is the key that opens life’s locked doors.
Verse 13 A good father is not perfect in any way; however a good father will do his very best to provide for the needs of his kids.  That said, I’m guessing that our Good and Perfect Father, God, takes care of HIS kids far better than any earthly father.  I mean, not only did He provide a way for us to dwell in His very presence through the death and resurrection of His Son, but He gave us the best gift of all …the promised Holy Spirit!!

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