Sermon Notes, April 27, 2014
Rev. Jan Sinozich

Pastor Jan’s sermon was titled “Messages After Easter,” based on John 20:19-31.  After his resurrection on that first Easter Jesus appeared to his disciples—first to Mary Magdalene in the garden.  They were confused and afraid, wondering what would happen next.
Luke 24 tells about two of the disciples who were on the road, walking to Emmaus, discussing Jesus’ death, when a stranger joined them and started asking questions.  They told him about everything that had happened, including reports from the women that they’d seen him alive.  The stranger explained all kinds of scriptures concerning the suffering and glory the Messiah would experience.  When they arrived in Emmaus, they invited the stranger to eat with them.  As he began breaking bread and blessing the meal, they suddenly realized that this was Jesus himself; then he disappeared.  They immediately returned to Jerusalem to tell the others.  As they were talking, in the tiny locked room, Jesus appeared, saying “Peace be with you.”  It was more than a greeting; it was a message—there’s no need to be afraid.    They see he is resurrected.  The presence of Jesus changes things; he brings peace.
In John 24:21, Jesus adds a second message: “Just as the Father sent me, I send you.”  The first message was one of comfort.  The second is one of commission.  He’s authorizing his followers to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.  “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”  To fulfill God’s mission in the world, we need the supernatural involvement and leadership of the Holy Spirit.
The third message was for Thomas, who wasn’t there when Jesus appeared to all the others.  The others told him about Jesus’ appearance, but he wouldn’t believe it; not until he touched the nail holes, and put his hand in his side.  It was a week later, and Jesus appeared in the locked room again, and this time Thomas was there.  After greeting the others, Jesus focused on Thomas.  “Take your finger and examine my hands.  Take your hand and stick it in my side.  Don’t be unbelieving.  Believe.”  He tells us the same thing: stop doubting and believe.
Jesus’ messages after Easter are Comforting Awareness: “I give you peace.” 
Commissioning Authority:  “I send you.” 
Command of Action:  “Believe.”

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