Sermon Notes, June 2, 2019
Garry McGlinchy
Pastor Garry gave his annual Report to
the congregation at the fourth Annual Church Meeting. One of the scriptures read was John 17:20-26,
where Jesus prayed for His disciples—not only the twelve, but “for all those
who will believe in me through their message.”
That includes us! 1 Corinthians
2:10-16, talking about the mind of Christ helping us in our daily lives, was
the scripture background for Pastor’s report.
He started with finances, utilizing
the Treasurer’s Report, concluding that the good news is we are not in debt,
and our ”budgets,” our obligations to the Virginia District and the global
Church of the Nazarene, are paid in full, plus a little. He also concluded that if we are to be able
to fulfill God’s calling on our church, we will need more resources.
Next he recounted our Missions
activities, utilizing the N.M.I. President’s report. In addition to paying our budgets, (church
tithes,) we’ve participated in offerings for Alabaster (buildings and
properties beyond the global budget), World Mission Broadcast, Compassionate
Ministries, and Mission Healthcare. We
gave a deputation offering for a family whose mission work is the southern
border of our country. We collected
Crisis Care Kits and School Paks for worldwide distribution, and collected “Bundles
of Warmth” for the local Homeless Shelter.
We found out about Nazarene Missions around the world by reading our
missionary books. And we honored a
special lady with a Distinguished Service Award for all she does for the
He talked about the youth, who
participated in the District N.Y.I. Winter Retreat and summer Youth Camp. Regular Teen Sunday School was also an
important part of the youth ministry, and new teachers have been added.
He went on to talk about Sunday School
and Discipleship Ministries using the S.D.M.I. chairman’s report. He explained about the Responsibility List,
which includes people who have attended, not necessarily members of our church
but who consider us their church, and people who are prospects.
He concluded with his own report. We are growing. Our outreach on Facebook, streaming our
services live, has had an impact. People
who are housebound can go to our Facebook page, Culpeper Hope Community Church
of the Nazarene, and be in our service live at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays. You can also watch later, during the week. We just ask that you leave a comment so we
know you were there. He thanked the
congregation for their participation in offerings online—there’s a tab on our
web page,, that shows how. You can also give by texting 843-21. And of course you can give with a check or
What is his vision for the
future? He said when he came four years
ago, before he knew us or the community, his vision was to love on us, and to
love on all who come to our church, and that’s still his vision. He also talked about reaching out to the
neighborhood where our church is located, and has a goal for our church members
to go door-to-door into various parts of the community to hand out information
about our church one Saturday a month.
Another thing we can start doing more and more is follow the
Spirit. Our goal needs to be “On the
move, in step with the Holy Spirit.” He
urged us to follow the Holy Spirit; if He is telling us to do something and we
don’t do it, we’re sinning. Often times
we hold back because of our size, or our lack of resources. Don’t worry about it—God will provide what is
needed. If you have an idea, come talk to
me, and give me a some time.. We can
work it out. Follow the Holy Spirit,
individually and corporately. God is not
done with this. Church!
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