Sermon Notes, August 26, 2018
Rev. Garry McGlinchy
            Pastor Garry continued his sermon series on Ephesians.  The first three chapters of Ephesians are about Unity with Christ.  The last three chapters are about unity with others.  This week’s sermon was titled “Unity: In the Community, part 1,” and was based on Ephesians 4:17-32.
            Human beings are weird, we’re awkward.  We try to figure out God.  We get so much in our head, and about God, and his existence, and wonder why He sent His son to die for people?  Humans instinctively, because God gave us free will, we’re instinctively in our heads.  We can be listening to a conversation, and thinking about four or five other things we need to do.  We allow whatever is bothering us to kind of take over our brains.  Sometimes it even keeps us from sleeping at night. 
We try to figure out things on our own, and somehow think we can out-think God.  We’re looking at politics, and we’re trying to figure out how we fit in, how we can serve our community, how we can share the Good News.  Academics consume some of us, and we fall into this trap called intellectual pride. We try to figure out things on our own.  We end up helplessly confused.  The whole concept of God sacrificing His Son seems asinine to the intellectually proud and they rely on their own intellect.  It is difficult to share the Good News with someone who has everything; they have everything.
There should be a distinct difference between God’s people and the rest of the world.  Paul tells us to leave sinful living behind.  That’s easy for some people, but others struggle.  They take a few steps forward, then go back and pick up something they let go of before.  But there should be a difference in the way you are now, and the way you were when you were before you started this journey with Jesus.  It’s easier for some of us to get rid of sinful habits than it is for others.  We need to purge our sin like we clean out our closets or the garage.
If we are to be God’s children, we need to put off our old sinful nature and put on a new godly nature.  Our decision to follow Christ is not just a one-time thing.  It is also a daily commitment to follow Him.  Not just on Sunday, but every day.  To be like God, in righteousness and holiness. Paul told us not to let unwholesome talk come out of our mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up.  He told us not to bring sorrow to the Holy Spirit.  As soon as the world knows that you are a believer, they are watching you.  They see your attitude change, they see you forgive, they see you allow the Holy Spirit to guide your life.

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