Sermon Notes, April 22, 2018
Rev. Garry McGlinchy

            Pastor Garry's sermon, the third in the series Jesus Is Lord,  was titled "Resurrection Wonders."  It was based on Luke 24:1-16, 30-32, the story of Jesus' encounters with His disciples and friends after He was raised from the dead.
            Some Christians read the entire Bible through every year.  Others only read the New Testament, some just the four gospels.  Others add the letters of Paul.  But the whole Bible is important.  The Old Testament predicts the coming of a Savior.  The gospels tell  about His ministry on Earth; the letters from the apostles give us specific instructions on how to live, and Revelation tells of His return.  Why have so many placed their faith in the life and ministry of Jesus?  Because the Father raised Him from the grave.  Jesus is the central figure of the Bible.
            In today's scripture passage we will see Seven Wonders of the Resurrection.  First, there is the wonder of the stone.  The women came to the tomb to finish preparing Jesus' body on the first day of the week. They wondered how they would be able to move the stone with which the Roman government had sealed the grave after Jesus was crucified.  When they arrived, the stone was rolled away.  There was no explanation for this.
            Second, in verse 3, there is the wonder of the grave: there was no body!
            Third, in verse 4, we see the wonder of the visitors.  There were two men in shining clothes.  Visiting the place of the dead is usually a solemn and silent experience.  But these visitors had a message.
            Fourth, the wonder of the message, in verses 5-8.  The visitors asked why they were looking for the living among the dead.  "He is not here;  He is risen!  Remember what He told you in Galilee: the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinners, be crucified, and on the third day be raised again."  Then the women remembered Jesus' words.
            Fifth, the wonder of the words of the women, in verses 9-12.  The women told the eleven what they'd seen at the grave, and they didn't believe them.  However, Peter ran to the tomb and found it empty, just as the women had said, except for the strips of linen.
            Sixth, the wonder of the conversation, in verses 13-30.   Two of them were walking to Emmaus, discussing the events that had happened in Jerusalem that week.  Jesus joined them but they didn't recognize Him.  They told Him the story of all that had happened, then He told them how it had all been predicted in scripture, starting with Moses and the Prophets.  When they arrived at their destination, they invited Him to stay with them because it was getting late.  When He gave thanks and broke bread with them, they recognized Him, then He disappeared.
            Seventh, the wonder of time spent with Him, in verses 31-35, left them in awe.  They talked about how their hearts burned within them when He was explaining the scripture.  And they were so excited, they turned right around and went back to Jerusalem to tell the rest.
            Jesus' resurrection validated His life and ministry.  It fulfilled prophecy.  It showed His Lordship.  God loved His children so much that He not only gave His Son, but raised Him from the grave.  Every Sunday is a reminder of the fact that Jesus rose from the dead.  We remind ourselves every seven days that HE IS RISEN!  "It's Friday, but Sunday's a-comin!'"

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