Sermon Notes, February 18, 2018
Rev. Garry McGlinchy

            Pastor Garry's sermon was titled "Love the Church," and his scripture basis was The Great Commission, (Matthew 28:16-20,) and Ephesians 5:21-27, where Paul was talking about the Church as the Bride of Christ.  Pastor Garry started off by remembering his own wedding day, and the joyful feelings he experienced as he watched his lovely bride coming down the aisle.
            He briefly recapped the two previous sermons in this series.  Step 1: In order to be effective as a church, we need to make sure that our hearts beat with a love and passion for God.  Step 2: We must also love our community.  "We must WANT people to enter a life-long, life-giving relationship with the Savior so much that we will give up things we enjoy and love."  (K. Harney)   We must be willing to make specific and consistent sacrifices for the community with the grace and message of Jesus Christ  But there is one final step, on crucial question we must ask and answer.  Step 3:  Do we love the Church?
            Our answer to this question is critical.  It might seem like a silly question, but the sad truth is that there are people who are Christ followers who simply do not love the Church.  They have become calloused and cynical of the Church.  They shout from the mountain tops their love for Jesus, while they throw stones at his Bride.
            So..., How can we love the Church?  First, we should develop a strong understanding of the Bible.  The Church is a living organism.  We need a Biblical understanding of the Church.  Study scripture and allow it to shape our thinking. 
            Second, God may call some of us to be a Prophetic Critic.  Some, not all.  If so, do it from within the church.  This means we are humble, and speak out of love from within the church community, not outside in the world.  If you don't love the Church, you have no right to speak on behalf of the church.  If you are going to be a humble critic of the Church, giving ideas on how the Church can improve, do it as one who Attends, Loves, Serves and Gives to the Church.
            Third, pray more, criticize less!
            Fourth, invite non-believers to church.
            Fifth, we need to look in the mirror.  Problems originate within the sinful hearts of people.  Including US!  If we are caught up in picking apart the problems of the Church then we might want to take a step back and examine our own hearts!
            When Jesus sees the church, He sees our loveliness.  He also sees His Bride.  This does not mean that He ignores our sins; He sees all.  But He sees us with the eyes of Grace and Mercy.  The music begins, the door opens, and in walks the Bride, the Church of Jesus Christ.  He stands and watches as she enters the sanctuary.  His face lights up, His heart swells.  He loves the Church, His Bride, for better or for worse.

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