Sermon Notes, December 31, 2017
Rev. Garry McGlinchy

            Pastor Garry's sermon was titled "New Year's Sermon."  His text was John 1:1-5 and Matthew 28:16-20.  He did something a little unusual this morning: instead of having us seated while he preached, he had us move to various areas of the sanctuary where ministry is being accomplished, and had us pray for what that ministry will be doing in the New Year, in our new facility at 2002 Orange Road.  Different people from the congregation prayed aloud for the ministry being focused on. 
            At the front of the church, around the piano, Eddie prayed for the ministry team as they minister through music.
            Near the door to the children's Sunday School classroom, presently being used by the teens, Donna prayed for the children and teens who will be coming to church from the neighborhoods surrounding the new facility, as well as the people who will be teaching them. 
            On the other side of the sanctuary where the adults meet for Sunday School, Charles prayed for the adults and their teachers who will be coming to classes in the new building.
            In the front room, used for fellowship as well as classrooms, conferences and counseling. Ricky prayed for the Nursery class and its teachers and helpers. 
            The front room is also where the board meets, and Beccy prayed for them and the decisions they will be making during the year.
            The pastor's office is also in the front room, and Kathy prayed for guidance and direction from God for him as he leads the church.
            The entryway and foyer are where we have information about missions and outreach, and Pastor Garry prayed for those, as well as for our present landlord to find the right tenants and for our new landlord.
            This will be a new chapter in Hope's ministry.  There will be new opportunities.  They will bring change in the way we interact with the community.  We need to grow; if we don't grow we die.  Jesus told us to, in The Great Commission, Matthew 28:16-20.
            Pastor told us about a 2-day training on Organic Outreach he went to at the behest of the District Superintendent.  He explained that Organic Outreach is a focus on natural outreach, through relationships with others rather than programs.  How?  By Loving God, Loving Others, and Loving the Church.  He challenged us to love God like He first loved us, and to express our love for the church, in Bible studies, personally, with our families and friends.  Love God, and Love Others.

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