Sermon Notes, May 28, 2017
Rev. Garry McGlinchy

           Pastor Garry's last sermon in the series "Strange Love" was titled "Strange Love is Missional," and was based on 2 Corinthians 5:17-20.  We are called to be Christ's ambassadors.  It is as His ambassadors that the Holy Spirit works through us to bring reconciliation to a world that so desperately needs Jesus.  This entire series we've been talking about has revolved around how, Christ's ambassadors, can bring reconciliation to the world.
           In this fast-paced, "I-want-it-yesterday" world, it is easy to lose our patience with those around us.  However, if we are to be Christ's ambassadors, then it is imperative that we practice patience as often as we can.  And we all know that practice makes perfect.  Or pretty close, anyway.
           When we show mercy on someone we are replicating the mercy of Christ that has been showed to us.  Not only that, but in order to be merciful we must also have a strong grasp of patience.  They go together.  In a world that would much rather chew you up and spit you out, the concept of mercy has no place.  However, when we show mercy to someone, we are speaking and showing the very real love of Christ!  Mercy reveals God's love, and it is important in all our relationships.
           Encouragement has the ability to impact someone in such a way that they see and feel value and purpose in this world filled with insults and emotional abuse.  I think it is safe to say that in this age of bullying, we need to recognize that sometimes emotional hurts take the longest to heal. Encouragement is needed.
           Our society has done a phenomenal job of glorifying the disobedient as strong, and projecting the obedient as weak.  that is fine, because it is in our weakness that we find His strength.  It is in our obedience to not only the law of the land, but to the Creator, that we are able to show this world that is bound by sin what true freedom looks like.

           When you think about it, these things are all connected to each other, and it is in our patience, our mercy, our encouragement and our obedience to Him that we can become effective in our call to "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20)  We are called to obey Him, being true to Him so others can be reconciled.  Strange love is missional.

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