Sermon Notes
October 2, 2015
Rev. Garry D. McGlinchy

          Pastor Garry’s second sermon in the series “Kings and Presidents: Politics and the Kingdom of God"  was titled "Lessons from Three Greedy Kings and A Humble Woman.”  The scripture basis was 2 Kings 3:1-11 and 2 Kings 4:1-7. 
In the first passage, we find that Moab’s king, Mesha, had rebelled against Israel.  So Israel’s king, Joram, does what any king would do: he gathers his troops, prepares for war, and invites a couple of his buddies to gather their troops and join him. They made preparations, laid out their strategies, and set out to beat up the bad guy.  However, about seven days in, they ran out of water for themselves and their animals!  But they didn’t just forget water.  They forgot to do something much more important than water.  They left for battle without first seeking God!

The World of Kings Makes Plans First and Asks God Later.  If they ask God.  There they were in the parched wilderness of Edom without water for themselves or their animals, so they do what most people would do: they whine about their situation and try to pass blame onto someone else! 
Joram cries out, “Has the Lord called us three kings together to deliver us into the hands of Moab?”  The funny thing about this is that they didn’t consult God in the first place.  Jehoshaphat’s request for “a prophet of the Lord” paints an incredibly clear picture of the decline of true worship and religious experience in both Israel and Judah.  Things were much different from the days of King David.  In those days, both the high priest and the prophets would have given the king advice before he set out for war.  However by this time most of the priests had left Israel. (1 Kings 17:1) and the prophets were viewed as messengers of doom rather than messengers of hope. So they find Elisha, and he makes a prediction.

The World of Kings Struggles to Grasp That Rulers Are Not the Ultimate Authority.  When these three kings set out to attack Moab they were met with resistance, due to their lack of water, and despite their best-laid plans and strategies.  It wasn’t until they sought God, through Elisha, that things started to go their way.  When we read on in 2 Kings 3 we find Elisha’s prophecy of a miracle from God.  He would fill the valley with pools of water, without wind or rain.  The Lord would also deliver Moab into their hands.  Elisha’s prediction not only further affirmed his ministry as the prophet to the prophets, but it was also an affirming testament to the ultimate power of God.  God revealed His awesome power through this amazing miracle.

A Humble Woman.  In chapter 4 we read about four of Elisha’s other miracles: providing money for the poverty-stricken widow; raising a dead boy; purifying poisonous food; and providing food for 100 men.  In this first miracle, in 2 Kings 4:1-7, we meet someone who is clearly living in the world of the Kingdom.  We meet a widow who is about to lose her two sons to the people that her family owes debts to.  It was a common practice that should someone owe a debt which they could not possibly pay back, they would sell themselves or their children into slavery to pay their debt.  In this woman’s desperate time of need what does she do?  She cries out to the prophet of the Lord, Elisha. 
She went straight to God with her need.  She didn’t make elaborate plans or schemes to get the money that she needed to save her family.  No—she went to God!  God provided for the woman in a way that she didn’t think was possible.  Notice the faith that she had in going to her neighbors and asking for jars.  What’s even more impressive is the faith of her neighbors who willingly gave her the jars that she needed.
In these seven verses we see that those who live in the world of the Kingdom seek God first and obediently follow His plans.  They come under His ultimate authority.

When we are looking at these stories through the lens of politics we need to understand that while those who run for office may have good intentions, they most likely do not have God intentions.  In other words, they might know about God.  They might believe He exists.  But I doubt that He is the one that they go to for guidance on how to lead the people.  Most of them believe that they are the ultimate authority and not God.
As His followers, His children, we must maintain the posture of seeking Him in all things.  No matter who is elected, no matter what policies they approve or disapprove, and no matter if we agree or not.  Our focus must remain on the redemptive work of the cross and seeking Him in all circumstances.  We must also hold on to the fact that God has the ultimate authority of every inch of the galaxies!  He is our God and Father.  And should our earthly leadership try to force their agendas on us, we must keep our eyes on Him!
What if they threaten us with death?  I say it is better to die a child of God and be in His presence than live only to burn in the depths of hell.  Finally, understand that God does in fact work in all circumstances!  They might take away my speech, but my actions will speak louder than my words!

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