Sermon Notes, May 15, 2016
Rev. Garry McGlinchy
Pastor Garry started his sermon series on the Trinity with a message titled “Faith in the Holy Trinity: A Sending and Sharing Community,” based on John 16:5-16.  We know that each of us has some characteristics, likenesses or mannerisms from our ancestors—not just mothers and fathers, but grandparents and so on.  We all are also created in the image of God and we are called to bear the likeness of God, to reflect His likeness.  Genesis 1:26 says “Let us (meaning the Trinity) make man in our image, in our likeness.”  In order for us to portray God’s likeness through our lives, we must explore and reflect upon the nature of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The sending nature of the Trinity to us (Verses 5-7) In verses 5-7 Jesus says the Father has sent the Son, who will send the Spirit to disciples.  First we need to understand that God is a sending God.  He is constantly on the move, in and amongst the world He created and loves.  We, His creation, stand only to benefit from His self-extension toward us.  So, if we bear the image of the Trinity, one of the marks we bear is that of sending.  If God is moving, we should be moving too.
The sharing nature of the Trinity to us (Verses 14-15)  He is a God who not only goes out, but who gives out.  He doesn’t come to your heart empty-handed, He brings house-warming gifts.  In verses 14-15 Jesus says that the Father shares with the Son who shares with the Spirit who shares with disciples.  The Trinity shares among each other in a way that extends to us.   The mutual love within the Trinity does not turn Father, Son and Spirit inward; no it turns outward toward His human creation.  It not only reaches us; it blankets all of existence!  God’s love is shared with everyone.  He comes out to where we are to invite us into Himself.  Simply put, God invite human beings into Trinitarian love and purpose should we dare to walk through the door.
The sending and sharing nature of the Trinity through us.  Our lives, relationships and mission should be shaped by and reflect the Trinity.  The sending and sharing nature of God to us must pass through us as a benefit to the world, in the same way that Abraham of the Old Testament was blessed so that “all peoples on the earth will be blessed through [him].” (Genesis 12:3b)  Those caught up in Trinitarian love are called to go and give what we have received from the sending and sharing God.  We are called as the church to embody the sending and sharing nature of the Trinity.  We can’t do this by staying in our “holy huddle,” but by moving out of our comfort zones and further into the world to benefit the people of our world.  We are to be participants in this great adventure called life; not mere spectators.  We need to go and do; not sit and stay.  The mark of the true Trinitarian church is the way in which the disciples love people and God.  This love of people should be so intense that it pushes them not inward, but outward toward the ends of the earth in the name of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Where is the sending God calling you?  The Father sends the Son, who sends the Spirit, who sends the Church into the World.  Go to some location or to some person God is calling you to in order to reflect Trinitarian love.  What is the sharing God calling you to give?  The Father shares with the Son who shares with the Spirit who shares with the Church who shares with the World.  Give generously of something you have to someone who needs what you have in order to reflect Trinitarian love.  The sending and sharing Triune God has established the Church to be a going and giving community.  A truly Trinitarian church refuses to withdraw this call or hoard what it has.  God is calling us to go and give.  Will we?

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