Sermon Notes, May 24, 2015
Rev. Dick Guizar
Rev. Guizar’s sermon was titled “Our God Is an Awesome God,” and his scripture reference was 2 Kings 6:1-7, the story of Elisha and the floating axhead.  Evidence of God’s power and majesty is all around us, in the creation, from the veins on a leaf to pictures of the earth taken from space.  Some people, however, have a hard time believing.  They look for a “scientific” explanation for the miracles recorded in the Bible: the parting of the Red Sea so the Israelites could cross on dry land during the Exodus; Elijah being taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire in a whirlwind; a talking donkey; Jonah and the  big fish; the axe head that floated in today’s scripture.  And the most amazing miracle of all, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  Others say “If God said it, I believe it.”
The story in 2 Kings 6 is brief and ends suddenly.  Elijah was mentoring a group of apprentice prophets.  They decided they needed more room, so they went to the Jordan River to cut trees.  While they were there, the iron axhead of one of the men flew off and fell into the water.  He was all worried, “Oh, no!  It was borrowed!”  Elisha asked “Where did it fall?” When the man showed him, Elisha cut a stick, threw it in the water, and made the iron float.  He told the man “Lift it out.” And he did.
We have a choice.  We must decide whether to let the axhead float, or dismiss it as a myth.  If we dismiss it, what will we do with the other miracles? Elijah, the talking donkey, Jonah and the big fish.  Matthew 17, Jesus is transfigured with Elijah and Moses, is a picture of the resurrection.  Skeptics don’t believe.
What does a floating axhead tell us about God’s power?  Remember Elisha asked for a double portion of the Spirit Elijah had.  The power of God in Elisha’s spirit enabled many miracles: Naaman’s healing from leprosy, blinding of the Syrian army, raising the Shunamite woman’s son from the dead, and others told of in 2 Kings.

Why do we tell these stories?  To build our faith, our child-like faith.  So we can move from being a skeptic to being a seeker.  From being a seeker to being a believer.  Stories like this encourage our child-like faith to believe God can do anything.  The God we worship is an awesome God!

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