Sermon Notes, September 7, 2014
Rev. Jan Sinozich

Pastor Jan’s message was titled “Moments of Decision,” and was based on James 1:5-11.  Life is full of decisions; some we feel good about, some we regret.  James talks about how to make decisions.  He identifies the problem, writes a prescription, and gives us God’s promise.
The problem is indecision; in other words, too many choices with too little experience.  Verse 8 says “a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.”  His emotions are in an uproar, making him and everyone around him miserable.  Unstable emotions make his relationships unstable—lack of commitment can destroy a marriage, and hinder job or parenting effectiveness. This instability affects his relationship with God.  Double-mindedness causes instability in all your ways—emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.
The prescription?  Get wisdom. (v. 5-6) Wisdom is the practical application of knowledge, but you can’t learn anything if you think you know it all.  Admit you need wisdom. (Psalm 111:10)  Ask for what you need.  Wisdom comes from God. (Proverbs 2:6)  Anticipate God’s answer in faith. (v. 6) Remember Peter walking on the water?  He got out of the boat and started walking to Jesus.  But when he looked at his circumstance, he started to sink.  When the focus is on God, in faith believing, we’re not solving problems—He is!  He has more resources than we do; He specializes in the impossible; believe in His ability to solve problems.  Hebrews 11:6 tells us He rewards us for believing in Him, seeking Him.
The promise: God will give it.  (James 1:9-11)  He gives continually, generously, without finding fault.  He invites us to ask because He loves to give—He’s pleased when we ask for wisdom.  God does not want to make the decision for you—He gave you the freedom to choose.  God’s wisdom is found in God’s Word: read, study, memorize, and meditate on His book. (Psalm 119:105)  There’s only one, the greatest, decision in life: who or what is going to order the steps of your life?  Only one choice will produce stability: the most important decision you can ever make is to make Jesus Christ number one in your life.  Put Jesus first, and get in tune with God’s plan for you.  Decide for Christ—continually.  If He’s your choice, He’ll provide.

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